Avenue Supermarts Ltd, which operates the retail chain DMart, on Saturday announced its fiscal third quarter earnings report with profit at Rs 723.72 crore, posting a growth of 4.79 per cent in comparison to Rs 690.61 crore recorded during the corresponding quarter of FY24. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 15,972.55 crore for the quarter in review. This was 17.68 per cent higher than Rs 13,572.47 crore reported during the third quarter of previous financial year. The company EBITDA stood at Rs 1,217 crore, as compared to Rs 1,120 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. EBITDA margin stood at 7.6 per cent in Q3FY25.
Neville Noronha, CEO & Managing Director, Avenue Supermarts Limited, said, “Our revenue for Q3FY2025 grew by 17.5 per cent over the previous year. The Q3FY2025 same store revenue growth for 2 years and older stores was at 8.3 per cent. We continue to see increased intensity in discounting in the FMCG category and the consequent impact to high turnover per square feet stores in metro towns. However, this quarter the impact has relatively reduced versus the previous quarter (Q2FY2025).”
“We stay committed to being the most preferred value retailer to customers in the vicinity of a DMart store or a Fulfilment centre of DMart Ready,” he added. DMart Ready posted a growth of 21.5 per cent in 9 months FY25.
“In the rapidly evolving dynamics of the grocery e-commerce market, we are seeing significantly more demand for home delivery compared to pick-up point and hence we continue to align our business to that extent. Our home delivery business now far exceeds our pick-up point sales contribution. We will continue to provide both channels of delivery as an option to our shoppers in select towns. In several towns we now only operate ‘Home Delivery’ as a delivery channel,” Neville Noronha said.
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