The share price of Biocon rose almost 4% to an intra-day high of Rs 370.90 despite reporting a fall of 96.2% year-on-year in the third quarter of FY25. The company reported a net profit of Rs 25.1 crore in Q3 FY25. The surge in stock price came as the company reported a net profit in Q3 against a net loss in the previous quarter of the current financial year.
The company stated that the results were not comparable (Q3 FY25 to Q3 FY24) as an exceptional item drove the net profit gains in Q3 FY24. The company posted a net profit of Rs 660 crore in Q3 FY24, out of which Rs 425.4 crore was related to investment in Bicara Therapeutics. In Q2 FY25, the Bengaluru-based biopharma company reported a net loss of Rs 16 crore.
Its total income was Rs 3,821 crore in the third quarter of FY25 compared to Rs 3,954 crore in the year-ago period.
Biocon’s performance in Q2
The company reported a consolidated net loss of Rs 16 crore for Q2 FY24. It has recorded a net profit of Rs 126 crore for the Q2 FY24. Its revenue from operations stood at Rs 3,590 crore in the September quarter compared to Rs 3,462 crore in the correspondent quarter a year ago.
Biocon Vs Nifty 50
The share price of Biocon has fallen more than 5% in the last five trading days. Biocon’s share price has fallen 1.1% in the last one month and 0.3% in the past six months. The stock has given a return of 35% in the last one year.
To compare, the benchmark index, the Nifty 50 has risen 2.2% in the last five trading sessions. The index has fallen 0.6% in the past one month and almost 6% in the previous six months. It has risen 8% in the past one year.
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