Real estate firm Macrotech Developers, entangled in a trademark dispute, has released its fiscal third quarter earnings with profit at Rs 944.80 crore, recording a surge of 87.02 per cent in comparison to Rs 505.20 crore during the corresponding quarter of FY24. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 4,083.00 crore, up 39.32 per cent as against Rs 2930.60 crore recorded during the third quarter of previous financial year. The company EBITDA stood at Rs 1,590.00 crore.
The real estate major achieved its best every quarterly pre-sales performance of Rs 4510.00 crore during the quarter in review. Abhishek Lodha, MD & CEO, Macrotech Developers Ltd, said, “This is the fourth consecutive quarter of achieving pre-sales greater than Rs 40 billion. What is also encouraging is that these strong pre-sales have come alongside robust embedded EBITDA margins of 35 per cent. This demonstrates our focus on delivering consistent and predictable growth alongside good profitability. With this we have achieved Rs 128.2 billion of pre-sales in the 9MFY25 showcasing ~25 per cent growth. The quarter also saw the strongest ever collections performance of Rs 42.9 billion which showcases strong execution capability of the organization.”
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During the period, Abhishek Lodha said, the company added projects in Bengaluru with a GDV of Rs 2,800 crore, which is its fifth in the city. “These new project additions in Bengaluru will provide an opportunity to drive pre-sales growth from next FY onwards in the city where we have entered the expansion phase now,” he said.
During 9MFY25, the company’s new business development across MMR, Pune and Bengaluru stood at around Rs 19,500.00 crore of GDV, thus achieving over 90 per cent of its full year guidance.
Despite significant investments in Business Development in this quarter, Abhishek Lodha said that the company reduced its net debt by Rs 610 crore to Rs 4,310 crore. “This is on the back of strong operating cash flow generation of Rs 2,400 crore during the quarter. On the back of strong operating and financial performance ICRA revised our credit rating outlook to ’Positive’ (AA-/ Positive).”
Earlier this month, Abhishek Lodha’s Macrotech Developers filing a Rs 5,000 crore lawsuit against the younger brother’s firm,
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