Mukesh Ambani-led and oil and gas major, Reliance Industries has declared its quarterly earnings. The company’s profit jumped 11.7% YoY to Rs 21,930 crore from Rs 19,641 crore. The big contribution came from he company’s digital services and festive demand for the retail business. Even for the Oil and gas business, it was a steady quarter. There was a big jump in O2C or the Oil to Chemical business on a sequential basis with marginal improvement in KGD6 gas price realisations.
Here is a quick look at the key highlights of RIL’s Q3 performance:
Also ReadReliance Industries Q3 Results Live Updates: RIL Q3 profit jumps 11.88% led by robust telecom biz, retail growth and resilient O2C business 1. Telecom/Digital services Business – Jio ARPU up on tariff hike
The company’s digital services business was led by sustained subscriber addition and consistent improvement in customer engagement metrics. This was supported by a favourable subscriber mix, with an increasing number of users upgrading to 5G networks. Jio’s subscriber base stood at 482.1 million at the end of December 2024. This is 2.4% higher on a year-on-year basis and net subscriber addition in Q3 FY25 was 3.3 million with rebound in mobility subscriber addition. Jio’s ARPU increased further to Rs 203.3 with sustained impact of tariff hike and better subscriber mix. The full impact of the tariff hike will flow through over the next few months.It was a record quarter for home connects with 2 million new additions. Jio, the company’s filing at the exchange stated, is at the moment the world’s leading standalone 5G operator (outside China) with subscriber base of 170 million. True5G accounts for 40% of Jio’s wireless traffic.
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The retail business saw robust improvement on the back of demand from festivities and the wedding season. Reliance Retail opened 779 new stores and the the total store count is now at 19,102 with area under operation at 77.4 million sq.
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