Padma Shri Jitender Singh Shunty on Thursday joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the presence of Arvind Kejriwal in Delhi. Shunty, who was elected as an MLA from Shahdara from Bhartiya Janta Party in 2013, is the founder of NGO Shaheed Bhagat Singh Seva Dal. His NGO helps to cremate unclaimed bodies. Joining the party, Shunty said, “I was far away from politics, and got a chance to serve many people during Covid. During this time, I got a call from Arvind ji…I will serve the people of Delhi till my death.”
Welcoming him, the AAP supremo said, “He is known as ‘Ambulance Man’…I have been told that he has facilitated last rites of more than 70,000 bodies, in a dignified manner. During COVID era, when people hesitated to accept bodies of their family members, he accepted the bodies and performed last rites. He too fell prey to COVID. Even when his family contracted COVID, he continued his mission…He has come to politics to serve people…His joining will strengthen AAP.”
Earlier today, uutgoing Delhi Assembly Speaker and sitting AAP MLA from Shahdara Ram Niwas Goel has quit electoral politics citing his old age. The elections for the 70-member Delhi Assembly is due to be held in February 2025.
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Goel, 76, has been the Speaker of Delhi Assembly since 2015 and a two-time MLA from the Shahdara constituency in East Delhi.
In his letter to Kejriwal, dated November 11, Goel said he discharged his responsibilities as Shahdara MLA and Speaker of the Assembly for ten years and received a lot of respect for which he was thankful to him.
“Due to age, I want to separate myself from electoral politics. I want to assure you to keep on serving by all means remaining in the Aam Aadmi Party.
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