The quick commerce industry in India is set to rival traditional e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart by 2025, according to Aadit Palicha, co-founder and CEO of Zepto. In a LinkedIn post shared on New Year’s Eve, Palicha forecasted that quick commerce will hit a scale comparable to e-commerce in just over a year, following Zepto’s own plans for significant growth in 2024.
“By 2025, Quick Commerce will actually start hitting a scale where it will become comparable to e-commerce,” Palicha wrote, sharing his optimism for the future of the industry. Zepto, which is preparing for an IPO, has already reported impressive growth, with its operating revenue surging 120 per cent to Rs 4,454 crore in FY24. This growth outpaced competitors like Swiggy’s Instamart and Zomato’s Blinkit.
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Palicha emphasized that the future success of quick commerce will be dependent on “exceptional execution” and noted that the sector’s fundamentals would undergo significant changes in 2025. He predicted improvements in customer value propositions, unit economics, and operating leverage, alongside a shift in capital markets, which will have an impact on both private and public investments in the industry.
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Zepto saw a 200 per cent growth in New Year’s Eve compared to the previous year. The company recorded 3,345 ice cube orders per hour, highlighting the demand for quick commerce services during peak times.
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Meanwhile, Blinkit also celebrated a milestone on December 31, with its highest-ever orders in a day. CEO Albinder Dhindsa shared on X that the company achieved record-breaking orders per minute and per hour, as well as the highest total tips given to delivery partners in a single day. Blinkit also reported selling the most grapes on New Year’s Eve, aligning with a viral social media trend where people in India embraced the tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight for good luck and prosperity in the new year.
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