Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and state IT Minister D Sridhar Babu along with other leaders and senior officials visited Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at his home in Hyderabad on Monday, December 30th. Nadella, who spent his early years, schooling at the Hyderabad Public School, was in the city. The state leaders and officials left no opportunity to connect and convey the various technology imperatives that the state was focusing on including AI, Gen AI, cloud, and sought Microsoft’s support to develop strong ecosystem so that Hyderabad is seen as the leading city in the world in technology domain.
A note issued by the state government says, “Satya Nadella has reiterated the commitment of Microsoft to partner with the Telangana state government in its initiatives.” It says, Nadella “appreciated Chief Minister’s vision of enhancing skills and improving infrastructure to the next level, and opined that only these two can position Hyderabad in the Top 50 cities in the world for creating economic growth.”
The meeting took place at Satya Nadella’s residence in Hyderabad. The state chief minister was accompanied by state minister for IT and Industries D Sridhar Babu , Minister for Irrigation and Civil Supplies, Uttam Kumar Reddy, Chief Secretary, Santhi Kumari, Special Chief Secretary IT and Industries Jayesh Ranjan and Special Secretary to CM Ajith Reddy.
Microsoft is one of the earliest technology companies in Hyderabad and has grown to strength of 10,000 over the years. It has also invested in data centre capacity of 600 MW in the state. Chief Minister thanked Mr Nadella for regular investments and growth of Microsoft business in the city and state, the note said.
The chief minister also explained about his plans for Infrastructure development in the state including Regional Ring Road, radial roads, Future City, development of new manufacturing clusters, and how the government is proposing to create a vast pool of industry-ready talent through institutions like Young India Skills University.
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