CDSL share price saw a sharp downtick and plunged 9.5% to an intra-day low of Rs 1,358.35, slightly above its lower circuit. The fall in stock price came after the company’s net profit declined 39% year-on-year to Rs 105 crore in Q3 FY25 from Rs 171 crore in Q3 FY24.
The company’s operating income for the reporting quarter came in at Rs 221 crore in Q3 FY25, down 11% YoY from Rs 248 in the same quarter a year ago. Its EBITDA or operating profit fell by 37% sequentially to Rs 146 crore from Rs 231 in Q2 FY25.
The net new accounts opened in the third quarter were 92 lakh, as against 1.18 crore accounts opened during the previous quarter of the current financial year. The demat custody for Q3 FY5 stood at Rs 75 lakh crore, down from Rs 78 lakh crore in Q2 FY25.
CDSL’s performance in Q2
It showed a stellar performance in the previous quarter, with net profit jumping by 48.8% YoY to Rs 162 crore in Q2 FY25, compared to Rs 108 crore in Q2 FY24. The company’s revenue from operations soared 55.5% YoY to Rs 322.3 crore compared to Rs 207.3 crore in the same period of the preceding fiscal year.
CDSL Vs Nifty 50
The share price of CDSL has fallen 14% in the past five trading days. CDSL’s share price has wiped out more than 23% in the last one month. However, the stock has risen 11.5% in the past six months. The stock has given a return of 55% in the last one year.
To compare, the benchmark index, Nifty 50 has fallen more than 2% in the past five trading days. The index has declined by 4% in the past one month and 8% in the last six months. It has given a return of 5% in the previous one year.
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