Interglobe Aviation Ltd, parent company of IndiGo, on Friday released its fiscal third quarter earnings report with profit at Rs 2448.80 crore, recording a drop of 18.32 per cent in comparison to Rs 2998.10 crore during the same period of previous financial year, missing estimates. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 22,110.70 crore, up 13.67 per cent as against Rs 19,452.10 crore during the third quarter of FY24. The company EBITDA stood at Rs 5178.6 crore.
According to a CNBC TV18 poll, IndiGo was expected to report Q3 profit at Rs 3152 crore and revenue for the period was estimated at Rs 21,909.2 crore.
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In a regulatory filing, the company said that IndiGo reported a solid profit of Rs 3850.00 crore driven by strong demand for air travel, continued growth, and lower fuel cost, during the quarter, excluding the impact of currency movement, as against a profit of Rs 3050.00 crore during the same period last year. Including the impact of foreign exchange, it said, the net profit for the quarter aggregated to Rs 2448.80 crore.
Pieter Elbers, CEO, Interglobe Aviation, said, “We delivered a strong third quarter of financial year 2025, both operationally and financially. We reported a total income of Rs 230 billion, reflecting a growth of 15 per cent and profit excluding the impact of currency movement of Rs 38.5 billion. Including currency impact, we reported a profit of Rs 24.5 billion highlighting effective execution of our clear and well-defined strategy. These results were driven by robust demand in the market and our ability to cater to that demand supported by lower fuel prices.”
Total income for the quarter ended December 2024 stood at Rs 22992.80 crore, an increase of 14.6 per cent over the same period last year. For the quarter, its passenger ticket revenues came in at Rs 19267.80 crore, up 12.3 per cent and ancillary revenues were at Rs 2153.10 crore, posting an increase of 22.3 per cent compared to the same period last year.
Network and fleet
As of 31st December 2024, IndiGo said, it operated fleet of 437 aircraft including 45 A320 CEOs (19 damp lease and 6 secondary leases),
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