Recently, BSA unveiled a scrambler based on the Goldstar 650 called the B65, which will go on sale in the UK. Now, there are plans to sell the motorcycle in India as well at the end of 2025, with deliveries commencing in early 2026. Let’s take a more detailed look at the BSA B65 scrambler.
BSA B65 scrambler — What is it?
The B65 scrambler is based on the Goldstar 650 and shares most components, including the chassis. However, there are a few changes such as the wheel setup, with the B65 getting a 19-inch front and a 17-inch rear spoke wheels wrapped in Pirelli Scorpion Rally STR tyres.
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The motorcycle also features a high-mounted front fender and a single exhaust instead of the twin setup seen on the Goldstar. Other differences include number boards on the side of the motorcycle. The BSA B65 also sports an LED headlight instead of the halogen unit seen on the Goldstar 650.
BSA B65 scrambler — Engine specifications and competition
The BSA B65 will use the same engine as the Goldstar, a 650cc liquid-cooled single-cylinder unit that makes 46bhp and 55Nm of torque with the help of a 5-speed gearbox. There will be no changes here as the engine and gearbox combination allows the torque to be well spread throughout the rev range.
When launched next year, the B65’s primary competitor will be the Royal Enfield Bear 650, the scrambler based on the Interceptor. The Bear gets more premium parts such as USD forks and a TFT console, while also getting a twin-cylinder setup. It will all come down to the pricing at the end and the BSA B65 is expected to command around Rs 25,000 more than the Goldstar.
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